Hotels Etc Selected For “250+ Business Opportunity Blockbusters“

Hotels Etc of Loganville, GA has been honored with a recognition by Small Business Opportunities in its selection of “250+ Business Opportunity Blockbusters.”
Loganville, GA (PR Newswire) March 21, 2014— Announcing a special recognition appearing in the May, 2013 issue of Small Business Opportunities published by Harris Publications Inc.. Hotels Etc was selected for the following honor:
“250+ Business Opportunity Blockbusters“
A spokesperson from Hotels Etc commented on the recognition: “This is quite an honor for us. The fact that Small Business Opportunities included Hotels Etc in its selection of “250+ Business Opportunity Blockbusters,” signals that our constant efforts towards business excellence are paying off. We are proud to be included in this recognition.”
The mission of Hotels Etc. is to bring excitement and value to our customers’ lives by making available to them a wide variety of travel and entertainment discounts.
Founded in 1996, our focus is to create a win-win situation for both consumers and business owners by helping the former to save money while increasing revenue and earning potential for businesses and entrepreneurs.
The largest discount club of our kind on the globe, we have sold over 4 million memberships since our beginning.
Following the publication of Hotels Etc‘s selection for Small Business Opportunities‘s 250+ Business Opportunity Blockbusters list, American Registry seconded the honor and added Hotels Etc to the “Registry of Business Excellenceâ„¢”. An exclusive recognition plaque, shown here, has been designed to commemorate this honor.
For more information on Hotels Etc, located in Loganville, GA please call (877) 967-7283.
This press release was written by American Registry, LLC with contributions from Hotels Etc on behalf of Hotels Etc and was distributed by PR Newswire, a subsidiary of UBM plc.
American Registry, LLC is an independent company that serves businesses and professionals such asHotels Etc who have been recognized for excellence. American Registry offers news releases, plaques and The Registryâ„¢, an online listing of over 2 million significant business and professional recognitions. Search The Registryâ„¢ at
Contact Info:
Hotels Etc
Phone: (877) 967-7283
Hotels Etc Selected For “250+ Business Opportunity Blockbusters“.
Source: Hotels Etc