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Celebrate Spring in San Juan

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of a Caribbean beach?
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San Juan

Hotel Miramar

San Juan

star starstar
was $130 
San Juan

The Wave Hotel Condado

San Juan

was $197 
San Juan

Sheraton Old San Juan

San Juan

was $322
San Juan

AC Hotel by Marriott

San Juan

was $202
San Juan

El Convento Hotel

San Juan

was $313
San Juan

La Concha Resort

San Juan

was $326


*Savings are estimated savings and not representative of actual savings. The above rates are for the identical itinerary (i.e., same hotel, room-type, room-category, rate terms & conditions, reservation dates, number of guests, length-of-stay, etc.) at specific hotels and activities sold on Hotels Etc. Travel Club and other travel websites for searches made on 3/1/2018 for travel to Hotel Miramar on 4/6-4/9/2018, The Wave Hotel Condado on 4/6-4/9/2018, AC Hotel by Marriott San Juan Condado on 4/6-4/9/2018, Sheraton Old San Juan Hotel on 4/6-4/9/2018, El Convento Hotel on 4/6-4/9/2018 and La Concha, A Renaissance Resort on 4/6-4/9/2018. Rates are subject to availability and do not include taxes. Rates do not apply to travel purchased in association with frequent stay, loyalty, points or other “reward” type programs, rooms purchased through coupon promotions, won through contests or sweepstakes or transferred. Travel prices change frequently based off availability, and these rates do not account for rate disparities due specifically to fluctuation or rounding differences in the currency exchange rates.