Save money with discounted travel by joining a travel club. By becoming a member of the Hotels Etc travel club you will gain access to the most exclusive travel discounts around the globe. We have a huge directory of travel and entertainment discounts that is available strictly to Hotels Etc members only. How do you know you are getting the best travel discounts? Travel clubs do not receive a commission for your travel bookings, therefore those discounts go to directly to the consumer.
Your discounted travel offers include the best discounts on hotel accommodations and flight packages, as well as cruise discounts, car rental discounts and more. Members also have access to the best entertainment discounts which include but are not limited to shopping discounts, movie discounts, theme park discounts, camping discounts and other entertainment discount offers.
Hotels Etc also offers their own booking portal on their website. Therefore members can take advantage of their travel discount offers all in one place! To view the Hotels Etc discount directory please visit us at